Albury Local Internet Albury Local Internet

(Updated) Trouble Sending e-mail? Check this...

With all the current spam, we're taking a number of pro-active steps to help minimise it while trying to ensure genuine (legitimate) mail is not affected. Unfortunately, a few people (and systems) who are not RFC-compliant are experiencing problems, most of which can be easily fixed.

New Weather Information

Albury Local Internet is please to announce an innovative new addition to our already comprehensive live local weather information.

Increased spam levels

Net-security have reported what they believe to be the source of a major increase
in the amount of SPAM on the internet recently.

Fighting SPAM: light at the end of the tunnel?

The final version of the report and recommendations from NOIE (National Office for the Information Economy) as relates to the SPAM problem is finally out. There is a glimmer of light on the horizon!

Windows XP SP2 Flaw

A critical update for Windows XP Service Pack 2 has been released by Microsoft.

Criminal Code Act amendments

Many people have heard about changes to the Criminal Code Act as regards child pornography and child abuse material, and asked how these changes affect ISPs.

Secret papers reveal Telstra faults

Leaked internal Telstra documents, made public by Labor in parliament today, warn that faults on the telco's fixed line phone network have surged in metropolitan and regional areas to a six-year high.

Microwave finally being deployed!

After a string of unavoidable delays, we finally have our Microwave solution running, with the first few operating nodes already deployed and working well.

VET antivirus cease support for old versions.

As of the end of August 2004, VET antivirus have stopped providing updates for the 10.5x version of their virus scanning program.

Is this your car?

With our local police farce seeming to be less able or willing to do their job, it seems the public have to take a more active role.

Anaphylaxis and Allergy seminar

The Australian National Launch of Food Allergy Awareness Week will be held at the Commercial Club Albury on Saturday, 8 May 2004. If you would like to know more about life-threatening food allergies, why not attend this free seminar

Albury Council Elections

It's no secret, your System Administrator has been convinced to stand for Council in the upcoming elections. I'd really appreciate your vote! Visit for details.

Various Windows Worms.

With the increasing effect and exploitation of the microsoft windows DCOM vulnerability, and the number of variants or mutations of "worms" this issue is becomming worse. It's also increasingly difficult to stay abreast of the various exploits and fixes. We have made SOME tools available locally for our customers.

Recent SPAM problems - when bad gets worse!

Since early on Saturday (9th Feb, 2002), we have been the innocent victim of a major spam attack, with up to 5,000 messages per MINUTE being received by our mail servers. Fortunately, none of our customers are being affected by this, however thousands of people worldwide have been affected and are incorrectly blaming us!

ALI offers server-based Personal Mailing Lists

Albury Local Internet have introduced a new server-based mailing list facility for our customers, which operates entirely independantly of users computers or their e-mail programs, adding flexability and security.

Who wants ADSL??

In a time when ADSL is the buzzword, and everyone seems to think it's the magic answer, the cure-all, the only offering beyond modems, emerges a real, viable answer!

BugBear worm bites.. IMPORTANT WARNING

The Bugbear worm (virus) which we first encountered on Monday Morning, has become an increasingly troublesome beast. If you use Windows (virtually any version), you should read this article.

What's all this about Canned Meat??

Spam. We all get it. We all hate it. But why on earth do they call it spam??

Domain Name Scammers come unstuck...

We have previously had news articles here advising or warning users of unscrupulous domain name registrars. Most of these operators made promises they had little or no intention of keeping, offered deals that seemed too good to be true, or at the other end of the scale, charged 100% to 500% more for the same services than the official registrars charged!

Telstra Sale...... have your say!

With the impending full sale of telstra, and yet another review of telstras performance in regional and rural Australia, we are inviting you to have your say

Microsoft code so bad it could kill people.

A senior Microsoft Corp. executive told a federal court last week that sharing information with competitors could damage national security and even threaten the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan. He later acknowledged that some Microsoft code was so flawed it could not be safely disclosed.

Virus warning hoax

There has been a spate of "Virus Warning" e-mails recently, generally including an apology from the writer, claiming they sent you a virus in error, and including details of a file to find and delete. These are a hoax.

Scheduled outage for Corryong area.

We have been advised that TXU will be disrupting power to a large area east of Tallangatta.

Major Security Warning - sshd (update)

There is currently a world-wide "flap" about a vulnerability with open-ssh, which is arguably the most widely used single application in use on internet servers in the world today. If you use ssh, you should read this.

Out-of-town access number update.

As previously advised, with telstras withdrawl of services from all local exchanges, we have had to make network infrastructure changes. Check here if you don't directly call our Albury, MtBeauty, Corryong or Wangaratta services!

Serious Virus Threat (Warning)

VET Support teams have received increased reports of Win32.Klez.H worm from the field and are advising clients to update their anti-virus signatures immediately.

VET AntiVirus and Netcomm Modems.

Popular AntiVirus software "VET NetSurfer" is now available at the discounted price of $99 including GST from Albury Local Internets office at 326 Griffith Road, Lavington.

Stolen property, reward offered.


This GPS was stolen from a locked vehicle in Lavington yesterday (9-Apr-2002).

A reward is offered for its return or information leading to the scum who caused extensive damage to the vehicle to gain entry.

ORBZ is dead.

We recently announced the implementation of ORBZ for spam reduction (original article here) however today, without notice, the orbz project has been shut down.

auDA suspends ING

auDA today suspended the provisional accreditation status of Internet Name Group (ING) pending the finalisation of the proceedings brought by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Fight Against SPAM.

With a significant increase in the amount of SPAM over recent weeks, Albury Local Internet administrators have introduced a new facility for subscribers to assist in the "war against spam".

Position Available: Technical Support

A position exists for a full-time Technical Support person at our Lavington Office.

Microsoft set to withdraw support for most products.

Starting December 2001 Microsoft will cease to provide support for MS DOS, Windows 3.xx, and Windows NT 3.5x; and support will become limited for Win95, Win95 OSR1 and Win95 OSR2.

ALI implements ORBZ spam rejection (UPDATED).

With the increasing problems of SPAM, and increasing complaints about SPAM, we have been forced to implement much harsher measures to minimise the SPAM our subscribers receive.

Users confidential details not compromised.

Following the front-page story in Mondays Border Morning Mail which detailed serious security breaches within another local ISPs accounting system, Albury Local Internet would like to assure all our customers that no such problems or breaches have ever occurred here since we started operation in early 1995.

New Domain Name SCAM warning!

Customers may have recently received, or may shortly receive mail inviting them to re-register their domain names and get a "free" .biz domain.

Telstra caught vote-rigging!

Telstra has confessed that a ZDNet Australia survey which questions whether the telco's Internet service provides value for money was rigged by someone within its ranks, just days after its ramped up Net access toll fell under the investigation of the competition watchdog for possible breaches of the Trade Practices Act.

Domain Name SCAM strikes again.

There has been a spate of domain name renewal "scams" recently, with companies demanding immediate payment for domain name renewals. Don't be caught out. Call us first!

Win32.Badtrans goes to town....

Recently, the Win32.Badtrans worm/virus has been causing increasing problems for microsoft windows users. While we have been advising affected users, we have now modified our mail server to reject mail infected by this family of "virus".

New threat against Windows computers.

Yet another worm/virus threat against Windows IIS 4.0 and 5.0 has started hitting hard. The initial threat assessment is "RED HOT" with threat level of "VERY HIGH, (rapidly increasing)"

Local community to benefit from merger

Albury-based Internet Service Provider Albury Local Internet, and Merimbula-based Asitis Internet have merged, providing benefits of new plans and wider access to subscribers to both services.

Windows XP users "in for a rude surprise"

Microsoft may have overstepped the mark with the "Copy protection" they have added to their newest product, Windows XP. Industry sources are suggesting users consider carefully before upgrading.

Convenient On-Line Store has quality products.

We have just released a new on-line store for Apple products. A full range of the latest and greatest iMacs, iBooks and G4's.

Sir Cam Virus Alert

A virus dubbed Sir Cam has the potential to cause sleepless nights by mailing your personal documents to all your friends.

Code Red II varient strikes.

The "CodeRed" worm which caused significant network disruption last month, but had a slower than expected start this month, has re-appeared as a new and much nastier version.

Code Red goes on the rampage again.

The so-called "Code-Red" virus is set to go on the rampage again today (1/Aug/2001), causing widespread concern amongst computer and internet users.

Telstra Bigpond Hacked....

Several hundred (and suggested many THOUSAND) telstra bigpond account names and passwords have been released as a result of telstra being "hacked".

"Telstra ADSL - why would you bother?"

An article recently published states: "No compo for DSL crashes".
Telstra has ruled out any compensation payments to users of its crash prone ADSL broadband service despite heavy complaints from its retail and wholesale customers and isthe target of legal action from an irate customer.

ISP Call Dropout news report "inaccurate"

A recent news article (Prime TV, 27-June-2001) reporting Internet users "call dropouts were the results of hackers", and that "ping floods" were the likely cause, were labeled "Inaccurate" by industry sources.
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